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The Best - What is the private to Becoming a Huge Success?

The Best, The best, the Best, The Best - what does it mean being the best? My uncle always used to say to me, "Robert, you're not the best, but you're great than the rest." It used to make me laugh because of the wit behind the humor. But this comedic maxim implied that you did not have to be perfect to be the best. Is this correct?

How would you recapitulate what "the best" is? Ignoring the dictionary for a moment, how would you recapitulate The Best? Is it perfection; 100 percent flawlessly perfect? Or is the best because of being great than all others?

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Logically, since there are no things unquestionably 100 percent perfect in this world, it is most sensible to pick the latter: The Best refers to being great than all others. To put it more precisely, the best is a state or condition where something stands in a class above all others.

But can there only be one? Theoretically, yes. There is the world's best doctor out there. There's the best speaker, the best runner, the best quilt maker. But in a practical sense, there is far from only one best anything. For one thing, there can be the best salesperson of cars and a best salesperson of tropical fish. And there can be the best female car salesperson and so forth. So with the seemingly infinite number of categories that we could think up, there can be many people who are the best at what they do, though there might be a hundred just like that person, but who have a diminutive inequity in one way or another.

There can also be groups of the best. They would be groups of the same exact thing. The 10 best book writers, the 100 best golfers, the 50 best poker players. So far we have referred to potential and doingness. There can be the best "thing" too. The best golf club, the best car, the best book. But as we fly here with such reason, here is a wrench to throw right into the cogs:

What determines that one thing is great than another? There needs to be a proper whether dreamed up or a real example as the ideal model from which everything else of its kind is compared.

In wrapping up this philosophical consulation of "the best" it looks like this...

- We need a specific category: Book writer, Real Estate investor, Windows technician, Cross Country runner, etc.

-We need a standard. This can be based on the existing best (Fastest Relay Runner would equate to the best Relay Runner) or an imagined achievable state or condition ("a book that grips people so strongly that they cannot put it down until it has been wholly read" could designate a best book or a group of the best books.)

Moving from a great deal of contemplation and subjective thought into a practical, objective position, as an entrepreneur, do you strive for being the best in your endeavor? Do you want to be the best speaker, the best consultant, the best educator, the best firm person? Certainly, if you were to be the best, or one of the best, you would be extremely successful. That success could be always having adequate money for what ever you wanted - being rich, in other words. Being thriving could mean being able to spend more time with your children. It could be having the freedom to help friends and family when they need it.

'Easier said than done,' you might want to interject. Well think about this. Do you personally feel that Donald Trump is great than you? How about Sam Walton or Paul Newman or Tom Cruise? Of procedure not. They are just people like you and I. But why then are they so successful? Do they work more hours? Not likely. They probably work less.

So what is the hidden of thriving people? I'm not going to be so brass and nearsighted as to avow one definitive answer. But I will share with you a very huge hidden underlying how people come to be extremely thriving - deserving or otherwise. They have positioned themselves as The Best in their fields.

In other words, in the eyes of their communal (their audience of followers), they are the best or one of the best. This is profound information that, if unquestionably understood, can wholly change your life.

Why is this true? Let me explain...

At a inevitable level of success, the tables turn from exerting great attempt in trying to convince people - complete strangers who are extremely mistrusting I might add - to believe in you, to go with your services, your products; to a complete reversal of people demanding, even begging to be graced by your presence, your time, services, products.

It's sort of a "critical mass" point where the magnetic poles of attraction and repulsion flip. Instead of you pulling in like mad (attract) to bring in people who will succeed or buy your services or products while at the same time those same people push you away (repel), you begin to push away while others try to pull themselves toward to.

Think about it. Do you have to wear sunglasses and a wig to go to the grocery store? Do you need a bodyguard to keep away autograph seekers and people who want just one diminutive of your valuable time to talk to you? Though a rather extreme example of man with huge success and fame, you get the point. The Poles Of Magnetic Attraction And Repulsion Reverse When You Are thought about The Best In Your Field.

It's unquestionably quite a phenomenon. Being the best, or one of the best, is a condition we all as entrepreneurs should strive for. Because if we succeed in raising ourselves above the crowd of competition in this way, the tough and sometimes losing battle becomes a fun, winning game. This position could be thought about the Nirvana of the firm world.

Now you might be saying, 'But how do I reach this condition of being one of the best,' mister know-it-all? Well, I'm going to tell you right now. And if you don't heed this esoteric advice, then I can help you no further.

If 100,000 people are working hard each day, going at it as fast and furious as possible, it may appear to be a lost cause after trudging for 5, 10 or 15 years. But there is a way. And All thriving people - that top 1 percent of the top 1 percent - know this one valuable truth which gives those who do it an elevator ride to the top:

You have to be an author of a book that is written in a specially formulated way. It needs to be written in a way that promotes and sells you and your product or service. And it has to do it in a way that is unnoticeable to the readers.

Writing a book like this is no uncomplicated task, and there are only a handful of clandestine writers who are masters at this book-writing technique. They are the best at what they do. They are an esoteric bunch in a league all their own, extremely sought after, and practically impossible to find. When you do, they're booked solid for the next 6 to 12 months or more.

I know of one of these writers. This is the guy you want writing your book if you are an entrepreneur or firm person. I'm not going to post it on the Internet or in this article. But if you're serious about getting a book written and you can afford his prices, you can send me an e-mail (see Bio below) and I'll send you more information about this writer.

Copyright 2008 Steven Reach All ownership Reserved.

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